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Movie House Munchies

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About the Project

Movie House Munchies is a fictional mobile app that revolutionizes the way you order snacks at the movies. With my fictional mobile application, users can conveniently place their order from the comfort of their phone, as well as pay and pick up their snacks with ease. The main flow of this project is focused on the user adding snacks to their cart and completing the checkout process. 


My Role/Responsibilities 

UX Designer, UX Researcher, Competitive Research, Wireframing, and Prototyping



March 2023


Problem Statement 

The hassle of long lines and illegible menus makes ordering snacks at the movie theater a lengthy and uncomfortable process for most moviegoers. 



Create a mobile application that is accessible to all and will let users place their movie theater snack orders quickly and with ease.



Design Process


Pain Points 

 1) The hassle of waiting in long lines in the theater is time-consuming and takes away movie time.


2) The distance that movie theater menus are hung makes them illegible for some customers to properly view to place their orders.


3) Most food-ordering platforms do not offer assistive technologies.




When thinking of different home screen designs, I knew I wanted to include images of the snacks, a way to find a theater to order from, a way to view the menu, a cart button, an account button and offers or rewards. From there I wanted all the other pages of the flow to be simple, not to overwhelm the users.

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Low-Fidelity Prototype 

My low-fidelity prototype connects the primary user flow for the ordering process. The simple layout of the pages and the snack menu being a primary part of the homepage makes it easy for users to visually see where the flow starts in hopes of making their ordering process stress-free. The simple layout of the rest of the pages is to help the users have seamless movement throughout the ordering process.

Select the button below to view my Low-Fidelity Prototype

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Over the course of this project, my research consisted of a competitive audit and two unmoderated research studies. The goal of the studies was to determine if users can comfortably navigate the app and identify how quickly users were able to complete the ordering process. After both rounds of usability studies, it was clear that my home screen design was not easy to navigate, and other elements of the checkout page and the cart made it difficult for users to complete their order process.

Round 1 Testing Results

1) Homepage navigation should be easier
2) Edit button should be added to the cart
3) Order confirmation page should be added

Round 2 Testing Results 

1) Add prices for products
2) Create a separate order review or confirmation page
3) Search bar should be added under the snack title on the homepage





After my first round of usability testing, I made sure to apply my findings to my mockup designs. To make the
homepage easier to navigate
, I sectioned and grouped together different items on the snack menu. These sections are the search option being added under the snack title, the carousel list of categories, and the regular scrollable list of snacks. I incorporated an edit and delete button to the cart for users to modify their cart as they choose to do so. Lastly, I incorporated a view of the cart in the order review page for users to see their order one more time before finally placing it.​​​​​​​

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High-Fidelity Prototype

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The changes that were made to my high-fidelity prototype from my mockups are the shade of yellow used, the style of icons used, and the font. Users were still having issues navigating the snack menu, so I made sure to put the snack label over the search bar so it is understood that the search feature is used to search for snacks. I added prices to the snack items on the homepage and product page. Users expressed they still were not happy with the designed checkout page and wanted a completely separate page to review or confirm orders before placing.


Select the button below to view my High-Fidelity Prototype

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From this project, I have learned how important accessibility is and how many food-ordering apps lack assistive tools that will improve the overall usability of their apps. My next step would be to create the designs for the other screens for the entire user flow of the app.


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